Extracanonical works often have very long and combursome names. One of the missions of Other Gospels is to standardize common shorthands for these texts. This simplifies references when quoting passages. For example, it's much easier to say Thomas 70 than The Gospel of Thomas Logion 70. Similarly we prefer Power 10:11 over The Idea of Our Great Power. The following table lists these shorthands as well as the names scholars commonly use.

BookCommon Names
Acts of PeterActs of Peter
AdamApocalypse of Adam
ArchonsThe Substance of the Archons, Hypostasis of the Archons, the Reality of the Rulers
BarnabasThe Epistle of Barnabas
1 Clement1 Clement
2 Clement2 Clement
ContenderThomas the Contender
3 Corinthians3 Corinthians
DialogueDialogue of the Savior
DidacheThe Didache
DiscourseDiscourse on the Eighth and Ninth
EgertonThe Egerton Gospel
ElijahSefer Elijah
EnochThe Book of Enoch
EugnostosEugnostos the Blessed
EveThe Gospel of Eve
2 GiantsThe Manichean Book of Giants
Hebrew GospelThe Gospel of the Hebrews
Infancy JamesThe Infancy Gospel of James
Infancy ThomasThe Infancy Gospel of Thomas
JudasThe Gospel of Judas
LogosThe Authentic Logos, Authoritative Teaching, The True Word
MarcionMarcion's Evangelion
MaryThe Gospel of Mary
1 MelchizedekMelchizedek
2 MelchizedekNag Hammadi Melchizedek
NoreaThe Thought of Norea
OdesThe Odes of Solomon
OriginOn the Origin of the World
PaulRevelation of Paul
PeterThe Gospel of Peter
PhilipThe Gospel of Philip
PistisPistis Sophia
PowerThe Idea of Our Great Power
PrayerPrayer of the Apostle Paul
1 Rev PeterThe Apocalypse of Peter
2 Rev PeterNag Hammadi Apocalypse of Peter
ResurrectionTreatise on the Resurrection
Secret JamesThe Secret Book of James, The Apocryphon of James
Secret JohnThe Secret Book of John, The Apocryphon of John
Secret MarkThe Secret Gospel of Mark
2 Seth2nd Treatise of the Great Seth
3 SethThe Three Steles of Seth
SextusThe Sentences of Sextus
ShemThe Paraphrase of Shem
ShepherdThe Shepherd of Hermas
SophiaThe Sophia of Jesus Christ
SoulExegesis on the Soul
TestimonyTestimony of Truth
ThanskgivingThe Prayer of Thanksgiving
ThomasThe Gospel of Thomas
ThoughtThree Forms of First Thought
ThunderThe Thunder, Perfect Mind
TripartiteThe Tripartite Tractate
TruthThe Gospel of Truth
TwelveThe Gospel of the Twelve


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