
Did you know there are books not included in the Bible? This site provides access to these texts and assigns verse numbers for easy reference. Many of these books were only recently discovered, lying dormant in the sands of Nag Hammadi, Egypt for almost two millennia.

Until now, no one has assigned verse numbers to most of these texts. This site bridges that gap and presents these scriptures in a citable format. New scriptures are added weekly as we obtain additional copyrights.

Our Mission

Some of the most exciting discoveries in biblical scholarship aren't accessible to popular audiences. The Other Gospels foundation is changing that. We commission and purchase the rights to scholarly translations of these ancient texts so that anyone can freely read, copy, and use them for any purpose.

At the bottom of each work, you will find a copyright notice. Some authors require permission to use their works, which you'll need to get from them directly. However, for the other translations, we hereby dedicate all versings, formatting, and alterations we've made to the public domain per U.S. law. This means you have a perpetual license to use our renderings of these ancient scriptures.

Nag Hammadi

Other Gospels has commissioned Samuel Zinner and Mark Mattison to translate the entirety of the Nag Hammadi codices for the public domain. Samuel Zinner is doing the bulk of the translating, with Mark Mattison performing peer review. Both are experts in Biblical scholarship and have decades of experience translating ancient materials. New works are added weekly as we complete each text.

Special Thanks

We'd like to thank Samuel Zinner, Mark Mattison, Willis Barnstone, and Stevan Davies for providing access to these scriptures. Without their permission and hard work translating these ancient manuscripts, Other Gospels wouldn't host the wide array of content that it does.