The Gospel of Truth

The Gospel of Truth is a foundational Valentinian text, offering unique insights into Christian Gnosticism. Unlike traditional gospels, which narrate the life of Jesus, this gospel delves deeply into theology, using rich, poetic language to explore Christ's salvivic role and its relation to our spiritual condition. The account is highly esoteric, employing intricate symbolism and complex metaphors to communicate its abstruse message. The author, who many believe is Valentinus himself, challenges believers to contemplate the deeper meanings of Jesus' example and ministry.

The rendering of the above gospel was made possible by Willis Barnstone, who has graciously provided exclusive permission to present it here. All rights including the right of electronic reproduction are reserved by the author. Chapter and verse numbers have been added to aid reference.

For more of Dr. Barnstone's wonderful works, check out his and Marvin Meyer's The Gnostic Bible.