The Authentic Logos

The Authentic Logos, also called Authoritative Teaching, is a didactic treatise on the soul's journey and its relationship with the divine Logos. Personified as a woman, the soul endures trials and hardship at the hand of the Devil, who lures her with material desires and deceives her about her true worth. Empowered by the Logos, she awakens to her divine nature, overcoming the authorities and transcending the material world through intellect and will. The Authentic Logos offers a message of hope, urging sanguine perseverance in the face of earthly trials.

Other Gospels proudly presents as part of our Nag Hammadi Initiative. The Coptic text was translated by Samuel Zinner and edited by Mark Mattison via our financial support.

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How to cite:

Zinner, Samuel. . Translated by Samuel Zinner, edited by Mark Mattison, technical editing by Rachel Bousfield. Other Gospels. (accessed ).